Community Overview
The bands who make up the Scw'exmx are, in turn, members of the Nlaka'pamux Nation. The Nlaka'pamux traditional territory extends well into the State of Washington, as far north as Ashcroft, as far east as Douglas Lake and as far West as Lillooet.
All the communities of the Nlaka'pamux Nation hold title to this territory, encompassing thousands of square kilometers collectively. The Shackan Indian Band has three reserves. The majority of band members reside on the main reserve, located along the Nicola River, which has a total land base of 6,413 acres. The Papsilqua Reserve is located to the northeast of Papsilqua and Skuhun Creek with a total of 730 acres. The Soldatquo Reserve is located a few kilometres north of Shackan with the total land area. of 2,429 acres.
Community Vision
Members of the Shackan Band envision a Healthy community that lives in accordance with traditional Scw'exmx values. These values include sharing, helping, learning and%2