The mission of the Servants of Mary is to manifest God's compassionate presence in the spirit of Mary. We respond to the words of Jesus: "Be compassionate as your God is compassionate." We do so by following the example of Jesus, under the guidance of Mary.
Our commitment to compassion calls us to:
witness Gospel values
center our lives in love of God and neighbor through prayer, community, and service
share with others healing and hope
be in right-relationship with all creation
welcome others in a spirit of hospitality
live joyfully our charism of compassionate presence
Servites Past and Present
The Order of Servants of Mary (Servites) was founded in 1233 by seven Florentine nobles and business men who went to Monte Senario, outside of Florence, Italy to live lives of prayer, community and service dedicated to Mary, Mother of Sorrows. The Order is now worldwide and composed of many different autonomous congregations (smaller groupings) of priests, brothers, sister